This is a small tale of how I got my first "book" published on Amazon - "Bytes of Desolation - Verses from the Digital Wasteland". As someone who's always wanted to be a "published" author, and a firm believer in
Matthew Gamble
A collection of 46 posts
Bell touts tired "investment" argument, incorrectly labels indy ISPs as "resellers"
In a recent LinkedIn post, Robert Malcolmson, Chief Legal and Regulatory Office for BCE Inc (Bell Canada) once again used the old tired "it harms investment" argument in response to the CRTCs ongoing consideration of expanding mandated access to high-speed
My new favourite travel accessory - the GL.iNET GL-MT300N-V2 router
Recently I've been traveling more for work and found myself in need of a good travel router to connect all my devices while on the road. For example, when I'm in a hotel I often like to connect my Amazon
502 Bad Gateway, or how I broke my blog
For the past few years, I've been running this blog on the open source Ghost CMS and it's been great. Ghost is great for a site like this where the focus is on the content because the focus of Ghost
This is not my Conservative Party
I normally don't write or share my personal political beliefs online - the rise of "political tribalism" over the past few years has lead me to avoid posting anything of political nature to social media platforms, instead keeping my posts
You can't get there from here - port blocking by residential ISPs
Recently I was working with one of my customers to setup the Azure Files [] service - a cloud based file sharing solution from Microsoft that allows you to "mount Azure Files shares
New CRTC Policy Direction Released - The ball is now in their court.
Today Minister Champagne announced the final Policy Direction to the CRTC [] , and it's a welcome statement for internet competition in Canada. Back in June 2022, the first draft of
Lenovo shipping times are a lie
Sorry if this sounds like a bit of a rant, but I wanted others to be aware of the deceptive marketing practices used by Lenovo on their online store. Think of this as a "public service announcement" and perhaps a