One topic I've been meaning to write about for some time now is the increasing number of independent ISPs who have been acquired by incumbents. As we start 2023, I was saddened to learn today that another Canadian independent ISP,
Matthew Gamble
A collection of 46 posts
Flanker brands are killing independent ISPs
Recently a relative of mine moved and needed internet access. Having not shopped for residential internet service in a long time, I was shocked to see that Virgin, the Bell "flaker brand" was selling 50/10 VDSL service for $40/
Is Bell Mobility violating the CRTC Network Neutrality rules?
Earlier this week I saw a thread on Reddit [] pointing out that Bell Mobility has started limiting access to HD video streaming
Have you ever been in a situation where you need to copy text between multiple computers/devices but didn't have a simple way to do it? Maybe it's some long command you need to run, or a product key you
Caller ID Spoofing with Microsoft Teams and Calling Plan
Microsoft Calling Plans for Teams [] are a great way for Teams users to enable the telephony features of Microsoft Teams without having to deploy any of the infrastructure required for Teams Direct Routing
Hackathons are not reality
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, a Toronto app-development company Lazer Technologies claimed to have reimplemented the ArriveCan over the weekend [], calling into question the $54 million dollar price tag the Federal government paid for the
The CRTC once again fails Canadians
As you may have seen in the news recently, Canadian merchants are starting to charge processing fees for credit card transcations [] . The history of this goes back to 2018, when class action lawsuits
Brief Summary of the Rogers Outage RFI
Late last night the CRTC posted the reply from Rogers to the request for information [] (RFI) it sent last week. In the RFI, the CRTC asked Rogers to respond to 55 questions about the