Reolink NVRs and 172.16/12 - Or how I wasted my evening

Lately I have been looking for an IP Camera solution for my house.  The requirements were simple - it needed to be cost effective, support wired and wireless cameras, and not require a connection to the cloud to operate.  While

21 Hours in purgatory - a love letter to EWR

On Thursday of this week I was returning from the Risk and Assurance Group conference in New Orleans [].  Because there were no direct flights to Buffalo (or Toronto), from NOLA, my return trip had me going

SHAKEN/STIR Adoption - A Lesson in Regulatory Failure

Today at day four of the SIPNOC 2022 conference, Jacques Sarrazin, President & CEO of the Canadian Secure Token Governance Authority‎ (CST-GA []) gave an update on the state of SHAKEN/STIR in Canada and the state isn't good.

"Rube Goldberg" solutions - part one

Rube Goldberg MachineFaithful readers of my blog will know that normally my posts are about regulatory issues, but I thought it would be fun to take a break from the usual depressing posts about the state of telecom competition in