Reolink NVRs and 172.16/12 - Or how I wasted my evening

Lately I have been looking for an IP Camera solution for my house.  The requirements were simple - it needed to be cost effective, support wired and wireless cameras, and not require a connection to the cloud to operate.  While

21 Hours in purgatory - a love letter to EWR

On Thursday of this week I was returning from the Risk and Assurance Group conference in New Orleans [].  Because there were no direct flights to Buffalo (or Toronto), from NOLA, my return trip had me going

SHAKEN/STIR Adoption - A Lesson in Regulatory Failure

Today at day four of the SIPNOC 2022 conference, Jacques Sarrazin, President & CEO of the Canadian Secure Token Governance Authority‎ (CST-GA []) gave an update on the state of SHAKEN/STIR in Canada and the state isn't good.

"Rube Goldberg" solutions - part one

Rube Goldberg MachineFaithful readers of my blog will know that normally my posts are about regulatory issues, but I thought it would be fun to take a break from the usual depressing posts about the state of telecom competition in

Something is rotten at Prom Du Portage

CRTC Chairman Ian ScottTwo weeks ago the Competitive Network Operators of Canada (CNOC) filed a Part One application with the CRTC asking for Ian Scott to "recuse himself, or be recused, from deciding all matters affecting service-based competition" pending the